Coping with Change

Coping with change is difficult, especially if you are a 7-year old little boy who doesn’t understand life and, who doesn’t really want to grow up. This is my little boy…..the first child I’ve ever met that doesn’t really want to grow up, because when he grows up things will change. (his words) So, how do you teach your child to cope and accept change? Is this a coping skill he must just learn on his own as life goes on, or are there real things you can teach him?

The above paragraph I wrote about 3 years ago. Unfortunately, this was also the last time I’ve written anything in my ‘Life Zone’ blog. Life started, I got busy with ‘other’ things and I just didn’t have time / make time to write anymore. I’m not a good writer at all, but I like to put what is on my mind on paper. This is my way of processing things in order to figure it out and make sense of it.

We now find ourselves in a time of tremendous change and this question popped up in my mind again. The one thing that I’ve learned during this Covid-19 lock down period, is how easy it is to learn new skills or just rekindle old passions. As a child I always loved drawing and I started painting and drawing again. For some color-love please visit my Instagram page (The Little Green Shop)

So, to get back to coping with change. I’ve done a little bit of research and the one certainty that I could find is that, in live, everything will always change. We don’t have control over it, but what we can control is how to deal with the change and how to learn form the change. I’m a very organized person, who loves making lists and can very quickly think of the next arty / crafty thing I must / can do – I totally respect that everybody isn’t like that and for some people dealing with change can be difficult. So, how do you deal with change?

Firstly, realize that you feel stressed about the change that is happening in your live. Change and stress always go hand-in-hand. For a very young 7-year old this can be difficult, so I taught my children that whenever they are sad for a long time (day or more) or if they don’t feel well in the stomach that the first thing they must do is come and tell either myself or their Dad. They might not yet know what is stress, but they do know when they are sad about something.

Secondly, realize that all change aren’t necessarily bad, but it will always be accompanied by stress. Hence, the reason why self-knowledge / knowing yourself is so important. Know how you will react or feel during certain situations.


The Little Green Shop ~

I always loved all things beautiful, especially art that moves your soul. My husband took me to Paris about a year ago and the first thing on my list was to visit the Louvre Museum. it has been on my bucket list for a very long time and I just couldn’t get enough of all the beautiful artwork.

So, during the Covid-19 lock-down and my children’s long hours of home-schooling (I actually only sat with them to make sure they do everything they’re suppose to do) I started drawing again and then later on painting as well.

I always loved drawing as a child and did a few art courses through the course of my life, but never really started doing it for real. But, now I can call myself an artist – I’ve always been creative and love creating new things – I’ve created a brand for myself and hopefully it will just grow and grow over the next couple of years. You can read more about me on my site The Little Green Shop.

Please follow me on Instagram and Facebook or go to my site and find your next Colour Injection!!


I always wondered whether someone is born creative or if it is a skill you can learn. My grandmother was a simple farm wife who never went to big fashion stores, or any type of craft market or creative event, but she was the most creative person I’ve known. She made the most beautiful doillies you can imagine by never even looking at a pattern or design.  After digging deep in her closet I even found the most amaizing dresses she made from scraps of material.

So, to answer my own question I thing you are born creative – I think you either have a creative mind or not, but you only need a little creativity to be inspired by anything beautiful. If you disagree, please feel free to share your point of view.

Hence my love for fabric, colour and patterns. I love making something beautiful out of something totally useless. This year I want to focus more on fabric, not just any fabric, but natural fabric, cotton, linen (made from flax), silk, wool, cashmere and hemp. I want to study and research print and dy methods. And, I want to make beautiful things.

Just have a look at Kelly Fletchers beautiful creations to also give you some inspiration for 2018. There’s also a book – Embroidered Home



Fashionistas, designers and decorators have always loved the elegance and style of something in black. They always say if you don’t know what to wear, wear black… will always be in style and you will always feel good.

So, I for one are sold on black. In my younger days I always loved darker furniture in my house, and then we moved into a very old, cold, dark house. I hated it, it was always cold, you can never do anything in the house without switching on the lights. When we were ready to build our new home, I just wanted everything to be white. I wanted nature and all the sunshine to just come into my house….I never wanted to switch on a light again. You can see my new white house in A Tour of My House. 

Now, after three years I’m ready for some black again. After doing some research, and seeing all the different types of black I can honestly say I can’t wait for my next ‘black’ project.

Get some inspiration, do your homework and take the plunge.  Black is back!!

Being less busy

When you live in the city (any city) you tend to forget how it feels to do less. Your every being is aching to do less, have more time, enjoy more, have more fun, but due to obligations it just never happens.

So……here is my story and the wonderful affect it had on our lives when we started doing less, being less busy, and just be…..I always needed more hours in the day of what is available, I was always late, I was always speeding (I had a file for all my speeding tickets), and I constantly had a feeling of being rushed. All the things that give you lots and lots of stress, headaches and unhappiness. I never had time to spend quality time with my children, because by the time I see them it was late and we still had to make and eat dinner, bath and be in bed on time in order to start early the next day and just do it all over again.  We lived for weekends, when we can just have a little bit of less rushing around, however there were still the grocery shopping (which in itself is one big torture). Just imagine your Saturday morning start with searching for parking for an hour, shuffling in a grocery store because there are so many people, and then again standing in a queue to pay all your groceries for another hour.  That is not a live!!

Luckily we are in the position to relocate anywhere in the world. I can’t really work anymore, but have lots and lots more time to do the things that really make me happy. (like writing, painting, gardening) We have lots of open space around us, about 5 hectare, no traffic and I can do my groceries anytime of the day. Even though our income has decreased by half, our well-being, happiness and quality time with the kids has increased 3 times. It’s nothing to just sit on the patio and just BE – the only rushed thing that I must do is breathe – other than that I can just enjoy the peace and quite and beautiful views.

When we have friends visiting I can immediately see who are the ones that come from the city, and who are those who know the magic of doing less, enjoying live more, and appreciate being unbusy. The friends from the city can’t sit still for more than 10 min, then they must get up and do something. Don’t misunderstand me, I also love doing stuff and hate it to not have something to do, but doing nothing sometimes is also doing something.


Go into this week with the attitude that your peace, your health of mind and your heart mean more than getting everything else done. That your smile matters. That feeling rested matters. That holding the hand of your loved ones matter. So pause lots, function at a pace that doesn’t pull you apart. Honour the things that make your feel good inside, the things that make you feel alive. Give time to those things this week. Make time the fit it is, by giving it to what really matters to you. – S.C.Lourie from Butterflies and Pebbles

Please follow BecomingUnbusy. It gives my inspiration everyday.